Help me out y'all

Don't you hate it when someone not from Texas says y'all? Anyway, this is the part of the site where I outsource my content prioritisation and get you to help decide what I write about next on here. This is mostly because I'm lazy and indecisive (at least according to my ex-wife. Ooooh an ex-wife joke. Edgy).

Why Josie and the Pussycats is a masterpiece in subversive cinema

I've threatened it for too long...

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Is globalisation causing a homogenisation of design?

A continuation of my ridiculously short Medium post from years ago. I'm interested in diving deeper into this, particularly the effect on architecture, what moves folks are taking to put local culture back into design, and how this all relates to products and digital design. Should digital design reflect the culture it emerges from or should there be a new cultural space for digital design that is completely divorced (and completely global)?

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Why would you want to be a Product Designer?

Another 'scratch my own itch' post because of the amount of times I've had to explain what a Product Designer is, either because somebody is genuinely interested, or more commonly, to defend against decisions to push designers out of the product process.

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What to look for in a Head of Design

I've spoken to too many companies that seem to have no idea what a Head of Design actually does. I want to outline what a good Head of Design should look like, the warning signs to look out for that someone is a chancer and a quick primer for how to convince your business that you need a Head of Design (again, all too common)

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